6 thoughts on “Mackenzie Borst”

  1. 🙂 Mentoring takes many shapes and may be ‘a moment’ in a life but it means so much and it begs to risk vulnerability, exude strength, give quiet wisdom, and is dispensed with open hands that push the mentee on towards greater things along the journey. Keep pouring out and God will pour in to you, Mackenzie. May God encourage your Spirit and strengthen your walk this week ahead in unexpected ways – be sensitive & receptive to His leading. He wants your light to shine brighter for the young people you teach.


  2. Getter done, Borst! Praying good working teams, safety, health, and for all to be filled with the love and grace of Jesus!


  3. I heard there have been some issues, but I’m hoping you can see God working through them! Blessings to you! Gretchen


  4. Praying for you all that You may be blessed as much as you are blessing! Looking forward to hearing all about it when you get back home! Love You Bud!


  5. Thanks everyone for your words of encouragement and prayers! God has been moving in Guatemala, and will continue to do so! Can’t wait to see you all soon again!


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